Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Doodle strip

This is my final piece. The pieces that i have zoomed in on are my favourite doodles.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Mixed Media

Laura Mcafferty
Laura uses many materials and works with mixed media. She is a textiles artists and blends textiles and illustration together. I have choosen these images as they caught my eye since they are varied to other images. I like the way she has uses materials to heighten the realism of the images. As well as this, i like the way she has used a flowery patterned background instead of a ordinary blue sky or clouds as the background. Also, the different colours brighten the picture up and show meaning of the image. The other image of the women sat down is interesting as she has used i think stiching to create a border around the womens body this defines areas and shows the shape and what she wants to stand our the most.

Ralph Steadman

Ralphs work is very different to lauras eventhough they both use mixed media they use it in a different way to eachother. The images above that i have choosen i think are very intriguing since he uses lots of colours in different ways and type around his pictures. As well as this he tends to use more inks and colours and paints wereas Laura uses more textiles and materials.
I like the way he makes his pictures look unusaul and not perfect and realistic as you can see in the image on the right it is not life like and not a realistic size. He uses varied drawings to make one image and he uses the colour red as one of his main colours which could mean many aspects such as passion, love or even violence or warfare.
Peter clarke

Peter clarke is one of my favourites out of all three artists as he uses a wide range of materials as you can see on the image. He uses paper, newspaper, maps, magazines and many more cutouts. I like the way he layers his materials to make one shape and he makes his materials look so interesting and realistic also, looking at the materials contrasted together creates a eye catching effect. However he tends to work alot on animals such as dogs mostly.

On this image he has used mostly maps and cardboard which i find quiet inspiring as it is so well made and so realistic to look at it looks like someone has just took a photograph of a dog.
This is my mixed media doodle project.
materials use:
Tissue paper, brown paper, stiching, paints and ink.