This is Johns hand as you can see i have used charcoal to draw these i found it very difficult however when i focused just on his hand i feel i did well and drew his hand in the right position.
Here are some images out of my sketch book as you can see i have used mixed media to create these and again charcoal to draw his feet and hands on top of the newspaper and paint.
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Was an italian painter, sculptor and many more things. He was renown primarly for his paintings among his works of the mona lisa is the most famous. He was also an inventor who still shocks the world today.
He did still life however only the people who commisioned him to work.
The Vitruvian Man is a world-renowned drawing created by Leonardo Da-Vinci circa 1487. It is accompanied by notes based on the work of the famed architect, Vitruvius. The drawing, which is in pen and ink on paper, depicts a male figure in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square. The drawing and text are sometimes called the Canon of Proportions or, less often, Proportions of Man.

Still Life -My final A1 piece.
The mind map at the very start of the lesson helped me create and give me good ideas for this piece that I have created.
This is my A1 mixed media piece I have used a wide range of techniques to create my final piece as you can see on the images below. I feel like I did well with this piece and I am pleased with this, and I used many techniques to experiment so I have more ability next time. I feel next time maybe add some more drawing skills in to this piece to make it more interesting or maybe some more textiles as I enjoy working in that way.
For the skull I used paint for the white colour which was acrylic however I never used a paint brush I used my fingers as you can create more texture to your work this idea was inspired by Jenny Saville as she works with her fingers on some of her paintings and I have noticed they look very interesting in that way. Also, for the zig,zag type of pattern I used stitch as you can create that look very easily with the sewing machine. And to finish of the skull I smudged some charcoal to give some shading.
As you can see on this zoomed in image I have added
a letter block. I used this technique since there were letters next to the skull and I thought letter blocks would be a good way of showing this. I placed many around the A1 sheet.
Another material I used would be the brown ink I used this then blew it around the page with a straw to get that spilt look.
I also scattered star like shapes with white paint around the page.
On this zoomed in image I have shown that I have used newspaper, Brown paper and charcoal blended together to create the background for my A1 piece
I wanted to create the type of old feel to the piece and the newspaper did that also I smudge charcoal to make it look a little dirty.
Ben Nicholson
He is a British abstract painter.
As you can see he uses a lot of techniques and works with mixed media very well. He uses many colours however tend to focus on brown and creamy colours in many of his works.
Nicholson features a variety of textures in his work, which gives a varied feel for example you can see he uses many materials like brown paper for instance and works with pencil and what looks like charcoal. He mostly collages his different drawings and materials together to create that more textures look.
He is an inspiration for my work as I love blending many materials together like a college and love textures to my work. Also His still life work is very unique as he has his own style to his drawings he mostly uses oil paints and pastels in his work I believe. I would like to use his work in my mixed media work because he an influence also i could up some good techniques and use them in my work for ideas.
6 Quick gestures:
These here are my images of John as you can see I drew him using charcoal and smudging techniques we went through the stages of 6 quick gestures every movement lasted 5 minutes and in that time we had to pick a part of his body to draw. This helped me focus more on the shape instead of detail first also I feel my quicker sketches looks better than my more detailed ones.
Still pose for half an hour.
This my image of my sketch of John as you can see I mostly focused on his main body for example his chest and legs. I drew this with charcoal and as you can see the position he was in was quite difficult to draw as he was leaning forward a bit with his legs bent a bit.
This has helped me by introducing a different position and helped me more with my measurements.
Collograph-The art of collography was invented during the early part of the 20th century. This revolutionary technique involved a rigid surface collaged with materials which is inked with pigment and used to print onto paper or another material using a printing press.
Jet James lives and breathes art also his works reflects his traditional beliefs as well as his modern thinking.
here are some of his work that i have been looking at.
I think this image shows its name very well Free spirit and the blue shows the free spirit also the mark making techniques for the hair shows maybe spirit and flowing.
Here is some of my work that I completed today
As you can see on the images below i have used many materials for my plate for printing such as materials as you can see on the image below i have used thick string for a part of Johns top and plenty of P.V.A on top to keep the low relief so there is no 3D effect to my work.
On this image here is of some wallpaper that I have used for other techniques this will make a lovely leaf print on my paper this is why i have used this. I have cut pieces out of this wallpaper to stick around the paper for a background around John's body this will show more of Johns body.
This is my final result it doesn't look to intriguing at the moment however on the print i feel this will create a lovely print and show John's body very well as you can see i have used another textured wallpaper for John's legs the blue one this will print hopefully as lines like cross hatching as this is how the wallpaper is textured.
For his arms i have used masking tape and crinkled it up to create the wrinkles in his arms. The parts what you cant see on the image is the marks that i have made with the scalepole fir example cross hatching lines and just basic mark making also, i have cut out some parts of the paper with the scalepole as this will make the print more effective.
Overall, i feel i have done very well to say this is my first time of making the plate and i enjoy working with materials and have worked well with this.
Print making
We started to make some prints with our plates that we made before half term, on my plate i used many different techniques such as, wallpaper, string, netting and many more materials. Also, i used mark making and cut out some parts of my plate to make it more effective when printing. We were shown how to print and then we started to roll on the paint onto our plates the colours we used were primary colours we used Red, Blue and Yellow. Overall i was pleased with the outcome of my prints. I completed around 6 prints using the primary colours then mixing the primary colours as well as this pastely colours a Blue and Green.
Here is some of my work (prints):
This print here is of the pastel Blue.
This is my red print as you can see there are many leaf prints on here this is from the wallpaper that i used it has a lot of texture to it so it shows well on the prints.
This is my blue print you can see Johns body very well in this one through the shapes.
This is my blue on to of the yellow print as you can see there is a yellow shade underneath this is my test for mixing the primary colours.
This is my yellow print i didn't really like the yellow print as i feel it doesn't look good for my deign on my plate and i feel it didnt go as well as the reds and blues.
Barbara Rae
Rae's work is very different to the prints that we have been looking at and creating. A lot of her pictures are kind of abstract and look almost like landscapes she uses unusual colours for her prints but look very intriguing. Her work is very different however, i dont find her inspiring for my work as i work more abstract with my prints than she does. The colours that she uses are very simular to the colours we have been using for our first print - Primary colours.
Cy Twombly
I think Twomblys work doesn't really inspire me however his work is interesting as i dont quite know what his work is trying show.
Terry Frost

I really like Terry Frosts work as his work is very abstract and pretty simple. Also, i love that this is colourful and attractive. I like the way he has used different shapes for example:
Circles, semi circles and lines. I think Frosts work inspires me the most as it looks experimental and fun to do also, i think i can create an interesting piece if i followed Frosts style.
We used earthy colours and i was able to mix the colours together such as blues and brown, lemon colour and blue.
I tested this by layering the colours up and also just by painting one part of my plate so only that prints.
Overall, i feel i completed this task well and now i know how to print i can improve more each time print.
Also, next time i make a plate i know what to expect when printing so i will know the best materials to use.
Life Drawing images of my work :
This is one of my quick sketches in charcoal as you can see i didn't add too much detail as i didn't have enough time so i just completed her full figure
This is my half an hour sketch that i did as you can see was laying down on to a chair so this was a difficult position to draw however was really interesting and challenging.
These here are a few of my quick sketches as you can see there is no detail however i have added he shape of here body and the stance.
This is a closer image of the above.
This is a closer image of the above.
These images here are of my quick movements 1minute poses as you can see i could only get the shape.
closer image of the above.