Saturday, 10 December 2011


John Taylor

undefined   undefined
John Taylor works with pieces that is called Blanka as you can see in this image it is a film poster made blank so you guess what the film he is trying to show. He uses Photoshop very well and his work is very intriguing to look at. His film posters are very simple and hard to guess what they are as you can see on the images above the main shapes he uses are mostly rectangular and square

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

UCAS Trip Manchester Report

Report- At the UCAS trip i gathered a lot of information on different universitys that would be possible for me to go to. I spoke to various tutors and people that know a lot about the uni's and they gave me ideas on were i and how i could take my caree further also, what their university could offer to me.

I collected many leaflets and handouts to read when i got home and to see what was benefical for me.
The universitys that i wanted to focus on were the ones that were closer to me so therefore i could live at home suchas
  • Derby university 
  • Huddersfield uni
  • Sheffield Hallam uni ect.
I still am not sure whether i want to go to university however the UCAS trip has opened my ideas more clearer so i can now think how i would like to end up after college. I think if i did go to university it would be Derby as it is close to me and they offer my course and have a wide selection in interactive media and graphic design.