Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Disability Research

Anton Corbijn 

As a group we chose to look at Anton Corbijn as he works is much like what we want to create as he uses mostly black and white to make his videos in. Most of his videos use just music and no sound effects just Audio. Also, he uses a projector in some of his videos we have been looking at and we are interested in this since we will be using a projector in our final piece. He uses many types of camera angles such as :
  • Point of view - which looking from someones eyes basically. 
  • Birds eye view - looking above everything such as a scenery like if you were in a helicopter. 
  • Over the shoulder angles - looking at someone from yourself seeing what they are seeing much like point of view. these are just a few examples 
Also, i have noticed that his videos focus on peoples eyes a lot and zoom in and out of peoples eyes. In some parts of the videos not much but he uses some puppetry and this is helpful for us since we will be using puppetry in our animation.
He contrasts a lot of shapes i.e. stripes corresponding images and people run on and off screen maybe he used photograph stills are used.