Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Disability Research

Anton Corbijn 

As a group we chose to look at Anton Corbijn as he works is much like what we want to create as he uses mostly black and white to make his videos in. Most of his videos use just music and no sound effects just Audio. Also, he uses a projector in some of his videos we have been looking at and we are interested in this since we will be using a projector in our final piece. He uses many types of camera angles such as :
  • Point of view - which looking from someones eyes basically. 
  • Birds eye view - looking above everything such as a scenery like if you were in a helicopter. 
  • Over the shoulder angles - looking at someone from yourself seeing what they are seeing much like point of view. these are just a few examples 
Also, i have noticed that his videos focus on peoples eyes a lot and zoom in and out of peoples eyes. In some parts of the videos not much but he uses some puppetry and this is helpful for us since we will be using puppetry in our animation.
He contrasts a lot of shapes i.e. stripes corresponding images and people run on and off screen maybe he used photograph stills are used.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Disability Awareness

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments activity limitations and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in the body function or structure; An activity limitations is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action ; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life's situations. Thus disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a persons body and features of the society in which he or she lives in.


Monday, 10 September 2012

Sheffield Hallam

BA (Honours) Graphic Design

Three years full-time
UCAS code • W210
This course is subject to reapproval
Location • City Campus
Subject area • Art and Design

This is the sheffield hallam website that i have looked at as i am opening my chooses to different universitys around before picking one. The websites looks good and they have a wide range of courses in design.
Entry Requiments.
GCSE mathematics and English at grade C or above, plus one of the following
• 280 points with at least 160 points from two full A levels or BTEC National qualifications, or one AVCE double award. You must have two A levels or BTEC National qualifications in relevant subjects, such as art, design, design technology, textiles and graphics. AS levels and Key Skills may count towards these points.

Southampton University

I am really interested in Southampton University as it is a very good university and I have been to Southampton and it is a lovely place and would not mind living there for the future. As you can see I have looked at the website and the course options on there are ok however not that many design course to choose from. Southampton is a very high standard however would like to apply to see whether I can get in.

Huddersfield University

I am also very interested in Huddersfield university as my sister went to Huddersfield studying design and she really enjoyed the university life also this university has a good website with lots of options for design courses also I have also been to Huddersfield and its looks and seems like a nice place to live. I want to have my options open for different university’s to go to so I have always got a back up.
List of other options:
·      Liverpool
·      Derby
·      Doncaster

Derby University

I have looked at the university of derby and this seems like a nice university to go to however wont be my first option for university’s but will be one of my back up.

Course search:
I’m not to sure yet what I wont to do but I would like to do some sort of design such as interactive design or graphic design.

This is a print screen of Southampton Uni

Friday, 3 February 2012


Josef Mujler Brockman
 Info : 
Josef Muller-Brockman was born in Rapperswil, Switzerland in 1914 and studied architecture, design and history of art at the University of Zurich and at the city’s Kunstgewerbeschule. He began his career as an apprentice to the designer and advertising consultant Walter Diggelman before, in 1936, establishing his own Zurich studio specialising in graphics, exhibition design and photography. By the 1950s he was established as the leading practitioner and theorist of Swiss Style, which sought a universal graphic expression through a grid-based design purged of extraneous illustration and subjective feeling. His “Musica viva” poster series for the Zurich Tonhalle drew on the language of Constructivism to create a visual correlative to the structural harmonies of the music. Muller-Brockman was founder from and, from 1958 to 1965, co-editor of the trilingual journal Neue Grafik (New Graphic Designer) which spread the principles of Swiss Design internationally. He was professor of graphic design at the Kunstgewerbeschule.
Evaluation : His website is very interesting and intriguing but very simple.
 As you can see his website is full of information this is how i found out so much about him. 
The only thing that i feel would make his   
website better would be too add more colour and less text since if someone seen his page they would just think i dont want to read that too much writing its boring. Thats why he should add more images less text and a little more colour.
Overall, i think his website is layed out  quite well and is eye catching.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Green Wash

I believe green wash means false advertising and promotionally friendly and environmental products that are meant to be environmently friendly but aren't.
 Green wash guide - Build confidence in eco promises

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Carbon Emissions

Carbon Emissions
Every time we burn fossil fuels such as gas, coal or oil, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. In a natural carbon cycle, carbon dioxide is re-absorbed by plants and trees. However, we are burning fuels where the carbon dioxide has been trapped under the earth's surface for millions of years, and we're doing it so quickly that plants and trees that are alive now have no chance of soaking it up (and it doesn't help that we're cutting down rainforests as well). Here is a link to carbon footprint web that provides more info http://www.carbonfootprint.com/carbonfootprint.html

Carbon Dioxide effects the planet by increasing the earth temperature this leads to global warming!
and since the planet is changes day by day this creates natural hazards such as floods, Hurricanes and droughts and many more according to the change in the heat.


imgres.jpg   Our Carbon footprint has to be calculated everyday to see how big your carbon footprint is. You can find these carbon calculators on the internet for example http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/. They use stuff you purchase such as creating the food products and then transporting them to your door or your local shop this then creates fossil fuels. However measuring these indirect emissions accurately on a day 2 day basis is very difficult. 
Confusion ? 
There is sometimes confusion between carbon and carbon dioxide. To understand the difference between them you will need to remember you chemistry classes, Carbon is the element that combines with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. For every one molecule of carbon, there are two molecules of oxygen (hence CO2). Carbon on its own is not a greenhouse gas, but often CO2 is shortened to carbon for ease of reference, and this is the case with the Carbon Account.

image_3.jpgAs well as carbon dioxide there are other gases such as Methane which cause global warming as well these are known a green house gases the term for these gases is Hydrocarbons

How can we stop Carbon Emissions - Reduce your footprint 
There are several ways to reduce Carbon Emissions for example:
  • Use rechargeable batteries which will save 1,000's of pounds over your life time.
  • Buy locally produced goods and services. Goods and services that are produced locally eliminate thousands of pounds of carbon by reducing fossil fuels transportation demands.
  • Recycle your waste. 
  • When you are buying a vehicle try and go for a electronic, Hybrid or a fuel efficient instead of a gas guzzler. 
  • Make compost 
  • Change the way you get to work or school by walking, cycling or even catching the buss saves a lot since it is sustainable and you can fit many more people on than you can a car.
  • Energy saving bulbs and making sure you save energy in your home as it saves you money as well. 
There are many more ways you can reduce carbon emissions you can see more here: