Monday, 10 September 2012

Sheffield Hallam

BA (Honours) Graphic Design

Three years full-time
UCAS code • W210
This course is subject to reapproval
Location • City Campus
Subject area • Art and Design

This is the sheffield hallam website that i have looked at as i am opening my chooses to different universitys around before picking one. The websites looks good and they have a wide range of courses in design.
Entry Requiments.
GCSE mathematics and English at grade C or above, plus one of the following
• 280 points with at least 160 points from two full A levels or BTEC National qualifications, or one AVCE double award. You must have two A levels or BTEC National qualifications in relevant subjects, such as art, design, design technology, textiles and graphics. AS levels and Key Skills may count towards these points.

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