Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Disability Awareness

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments activity limitations and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in the body function or structure; An activity limitations is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action ; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life's situations. Thus disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a persons body and features of the society in which he or she lives in.


Monday, 10 September 2012

Sheffield Hallam

BA (Honours) Graphic Design

Three years full-time
UCAS code • W210
This course is subject to reapproval
Location • City Campus
Subject area • Art and Design

This is the sheffield hallam website that i have looked at as i am opening my chooses to different universitys around before picking one. The websites looks good and they have a wide range of courses in design.
Entry Requiments.
GCSE mathematics and English at grade C or above, plus one of the following
• 280 points with at least 160 points from two full A levels or BTEC National qualifications, or one AVCE double award. You must have two A levels or BTEC National qualifications in relevant subjects, such as art, design, design technology, textiles and graphics. AS levels and Key Skills may count towards these points.

Southampton University

I am really interested in Southampton University as it is a very good university and I have been to Southampton and it is a lovely place and would not mind living there for the future. As you can see I have looked at the website and the course options on there are ok however not that many design course to choose from. Southampton is a very high standard however would like to apply to see whether I can get in.

Huddersfield University

I am also very interested in Huddersfield university as my sister went to Huddersfield studying design and she really enjoyed the university life also this university has a good website with lots of options for design courses also I have also been to Huddersfield and its looks and seems like a nice place to live. I want to have my options open for different university’s to go to so I have always got a back up.
List of other options:
·      Liverpool
·      Derby
·      Doncaster

Derby University

I have looked at the university of derby and this seems like a nice university to go to however wont be my first option for university’s but will be one of my back up.

Course search:
I’m not to sure yet what I wont to do but I would like to do some sort of design such as interactive design or graphic design.

This is a print screen of Southampton Uni