Saturday, 10 December 2011


John Taylor

undefined   undefined
John Taylor works with pieces that is called Blanka as you can see in this image it is a film poster made blank so you guess what the film he is trying to show. He uses Photoshop very well and his work is very intriguing to look at. His film posters are very simple and hard to guess what they are as you can see on the images above the main shapes he uses are mostly rectangular and square

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

UCAS Trip Manchester Report

Report- At the UCAS trip i gathered a lot of information on different universitys that would be possible for me to go to. I spoke to various tutors and people that know a lot about the uni's and they gave me ideas on were i and how i could take my caree further also, what their university could offer to me.

I collected many leaflets and handouts to read when i got home and to see what was benefical for me.
The universitys that i wanted to focus on were the ones that were closer to me so therefore i could live at home suchas
  • Derby university 
  • Huddersfield uni
  • Sheffield Hallam uni ect.
I still am not sure whether i want to go to university however the UCAS trip has opened my ideas more clearer so i can now think how i would like to end up after college. I think if i did go to university it would be Derby as it is close to me and they offer my course and have a wide selection in interactive media and graphic design.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Doodle strip

This is my final piece. The pieces that i have zoomed in on are my favourite doodles.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Mixed Media

Laura Mcafferty
Laura uses many materials and works with mixed media. She is a textiles artists and blends textiles and illustration together. I have choosen these images as they caught my eye since they are varied to other images. I like the way she has uses materials to heighten the realism of the images. As well as this, i like the way she has used a flowery patterned background instead of a ordinary blue sky or clouds as the background. Also, the different colours brighten the picture up and show meaning of the image. The other image of the women sat down is interesting as she has used i think stiching to create a border around the womens body this defines areas and shows the shape and what she wants to stand our the most.

Ralph Steadman

Ralphs work is very different to lauras eventhough they both use mixed media they use it in a different way to eachother. The images above that i have choosen i think are very intriguing since he uses lots of colours in different ways and type around his pictures. As well as this he tends to use more inks and colours and paints wereas Laura uses more textiles and materials.
I like the way he makes his pictures look unusaul and not perfect and realistic as you can see in the image on the right it is not life like and not a realistic size. He uses varied drawings to make one image and he uses the colour red as one of his main colours which could mean many aspects such as passion, love or even violence or warfare.
Peter clarke

Peter clarke is one of my favourites out of all three artists as he uses a wide range of materials as you can see on the image. He uses paper, newspaper, maps, magazines and many more cutouts. I like the way he layers his materials to make one shape and he makes his materials look so interesting and realistic also, looking at the materials contrasted together creates a eye catching effect. However he tends to work alot on animals such as dogs mostly.

On this image he has used mostly maps and cardboard which i find quiet inspiring as it is so well made and so realistic to look at it looks like someone has just took a photograph of a dog.
This is my mixed media doodle project.
materials use:
Tissue paper, brown paper, stiching, paints and ink.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


This ad is really good and the way they use photomontage is great it isnt very good quality but you get the idea of it.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Artists that use Vector Graphics

Graphic Design by Mel Marcelo (20)
Mel Marcelo:
 Is an incredible illustrator using vectors to create his work. As you can see in this image the he has used vector and you can tell he is very talented at this. Also, just from the use simple geometrics he has created a great image also there are no pixels in this image so therefore it wont look blured no matter what size it is. Mel Marcelo uses lots of textures to create the realism of the image. Most designers usually create drawings or graphic illustration using multiple graphic applications, but Marcelo usually create his drawing using detailed outlines in Adobe Illustrator alone which brings stunning quality of vector drawings in the end.
The colours heighten the realism of the image and make it stand out more he uses lots of colours in most of his work and most of his work is people. He is inspired by Patrick Nagel, a famous artist in the 1980s - See his beautiful works here - Mels work really shows emotion as well.

Another artist that uses vector is called - Roberlan he is a inspirational from the way he creates his posters.
He is good since he not only mix impressive text art design with a retro-kitsch illustrations but he is a vector obsessed fan. his mock posters selling vector products are cheeky, are charming and always inspirational. His work is very different to Mel Marcelo as he promotes and sells vector products as well as using it. Also, Roberlan uses the vector products well as he has to sell them he also uses bold type to grab attention to the public and other artists that use vector.

The other picture below this one is created by Roberlan this is a very interesting image just like the one above however he has added more colour to the image to create a better affect.

This is what they want if you want to do vector designs and sell vector products.
  • Image focused designs give you more than just the information about the event. They often feature elaborate illustrations, which help set the tone of the product. You get an impression of the style of product from the initial glace at the poster. However the drawback is that without any bold typography, a potential customer may “judge a book by its cover.”

  • This is another user of vector which is the same as Roberlan the name is Strong Stuff.

    Vector graphics

    Is the use of simple geometrics such as points, lines, curves and shapes or polygons which are all based on mathematical equations to represent images in computer graphics. Computer displays are made up from grids of small rectangular cells called pixels. The picture is built up from these cells. The smaller and closer the cells are the better qaulity of the image. If you enlarge bitmap images they become Pixelated however Vectors are not made up of cells so therefore do not become pixelated.

    Any software to do with vector is called a drawing programme for example CAD computer aided design.

    Tuesday, 11 October 2011

    Artists comparison

    Jack kirby
    Was an American comic book artist, writer and editor. He created a highly successful super hero character called Captain america for Timely comics predecessor of Mavel Comics. Kirby co-created many of Marvel Comics' major characters, including Fantastic four, The X-men and the Hulk  along with writer-editor Stan lee.Despite the high sales and critical acclaim of the Lee-Kirby titles, Kirby felt treated unfairly, and left the company in 1970 for rival DC Comics. I like his work as he makes his comics more nonrealistic to others peoples design of comics also he makes it more comical.  He began exploring superhero narrative with the comic strip The Blue Beetle, published January to March 1940, starring a character created by the pseudonymous Charles Nicholas, a house name that Kirby retained for the three-month-long strip. He then collabarated with cartoonist and Fox editor Joe Simon.
    Another Artist that is similar to Jack Kirby would be Charles Burns since they both cover comics.
       makes his images look more realistic
    However, Charles Burns is an animator and illustrator who is better known for his monotone images (ref; Charles Burns - Monday 3rd Oct).


    This is one of Charles Burns comic covers.

    uses alot of colour and more realism.

    Jack Kirby uses more vibrant colours and more defined shadows in his works whereas in Charles Burns comic work he uses more realistic colours. Jack Kirby's style is more comical and it has exaggerated expressions however i think this is what makes a comic i like his work since it is more exaggerated. Also, Charles Burns uses his monotone to create that realism in his picturte and his comics and uses the shading of the black and white to create an effect of shadows and highten the realism of the image.
    The way that Jack Kirby creates comic covers is interesting as his drawing are intriguing to look at as they are different to others comics also the type used in the image of Captain America stands out with all the different colours he uses since they are eye catching. Also, the the speech coming from the characters and the signs shown show more understanding for the people who read comics.
    As well as, there is a lot going on in the image which keeps people interested as there is enough to look at. Also, this shows action and shows that this has a lot of action in the comic maybe and he makes the front covers to his comics like a introduction so you know what is involved and what the charaters are.

    Bill Sienkiewicz

    This is Bill Sienkiewicz comic cover.drawing Moon Knight, in The Hulk [black-and-white comics] magazine". His art style was heavily influenced by Neal Adams.
    After art school, he showed a portfolio of his work to DC Comics' art director Vince Colletta, which led to his breaking into the field at age 19. The artist recalled in 1985, "They didn't have any work for me, but that didn't bother me. I just figured that if comics didn't work out I'd have done advertising or illustration. Vinnie called [renowned comics and advertising artist] Neal Adams, who put me in touch with [Marvel Comics editor-in-chief] Jim Shooter. Soon after that I was
    If comics wasn't he thing then he was going to do advertising or illustration. However he soon got in touch with Mavel Comics. And he then designed many comic covers such as, X-Men as you can see on the picture above and many others like Hulk and Fantastic four.
    Bill Sienkiewicz is similar to Jack Kirby and Charles Burns as they all design covers for comics and all relate as they are in the same area of work. Sienkiewicz uses the same sort of techniques as Jack Kirby as they both make it look non realistic and more comical. Sienkiewicz makes his type stand out and works well as it is at an angle also its bolder than the rest of the image and is 3D making it stand out more oppose to 2D text.
    The colours that he has used are very warm colours for example reds and browns this could create a dramatic effect compared to cold colours- blue and black.
    The traditional way of colouring comic images is to create pixal effect using only the primary colours to create the colourful images which contain the secondary colours.

    He is quite different to Charles burns as he is not very realistic and is more comical like Jack Kirby. Also makes his work look more interesting as he uses more brighter colours to make it stand out to all the others

    Friday, 7 October 2011

    Jonathan Glazer

    jonathan_glazer.jpg Jonathan Glazer
    is a English director for films, commercials and music videos. He has made many commercials for example:
    Guinness - Surfer and Swim black. These two commercials are quite similar since they both show being successful with Guinness and both shows someone winning however the commercial Surfer is in black and white and has a tint of brown and Swim black is in colour and that is the difference between the two.  

    This is the video for the commercial Surfer.

    This is the video for the commercial Swim Black.

    Another commercial that Glazer has directed would be the Stella Artois adverts.
    One that i have looked at would be 'Whip round' This shows a group of men in black and white on the ice and losing there stella beers this is quite a funny advert and has a lot of humour. This is a still image from 'Whip round'.
    This shows him persuading him to jump in the ice cold water to get the beers for the rest of the men.

    Monday, 3 October 2011

    Charles Burns

    Charles Burns -  Charles Burns aslo is very simular to David Shrigley as he is an animator and illistrator and uses mostly black and white to his animation as you will see on this video link.

    Burns' high-profile illustrations include work for the Iggy Pop album Brick by Brick. His art was also licensed by The Coca-Cola Company to illustrate product and advertising material for their failed OK Soda product.

    Raymond Pettibon

    Raymond Pettibon designs covers for bands. He normally uses mono which is one tone this is an example of his drawings and how he does it.


    He is known for his comic-like drawings with disturbing, ironic or ambiguous text, Pettibon's subject matter is sometimes violent and anti-authoritarian. He was also closely associated with the punk rock band Black Flag. Pettibon works primarily with Indian ink on paper as you can see on the picture above, and many of his early drawings are black and white, although he sometimes introduces colour through the use of pencil, watercolour, collage or acrylic paints.

    "La tour de pise"

    We watched a music video called "La tour de pise" . This video is directed by Michel Gondry and the artist is Jean-Francois. This video is a song in french and the type is linked together to create the song. This is very interesting as there is different type sizes and font also there were many colours to look at. As well as this, i think this is affective since it relates to the seaside through the neon lights that are shown in the video. Also Michel Gondry uses different pictures and signs to go with the type that appears for example, he shows a guitar on the instrumental to go with the word. The music is a slow pace and he uses the type to fit with the slow pace.

    This is a picture out of the video

    Friday, 30 September 2011

    David shrigley

    David Shrigley

    David Shrigley  We watched a short film that David Shrigley animated this was very interesting as it was different to other animations. Also it was in black and white and the drawings were very sketchy and not very detailed like this photo of his work.

    His website displays much of his work and you can see his animations and films he has created.
    The animation we watched today was called Who i am and what i want.
    He shows that you dont have to be a good drawer to be an animator.

    Eventhough these arent very detailed photos the sequence the animation is put in and how it is made makes it funny and intriguing to look at. The film Who i am and what i want -