Thursday, 13 October 2011

Artists that use Vector Graphics

Graphic Design by Mel Marcelo (20)
Mel Marcelo:
 Is an incredible illustrator using vectors to create his work. As you can see in this image the he has used vector and you can tell he is very talented at this. Also, just from the use simple geometrics he has created a great image also there are no pixels in this image so therefore it wont look blured no matter what size it is. Mel Marcelo uses lots of textures to create the realism of the image. Most designers usually create drawings or graphic illustration using multiple graphic applications, but Marcelo usually create his drawing using detailed outlines in Adobe Illustrator alone which brings stunning quality of vector drawings in the end.
The colours heighten the realism of the image and make it stand out more he uses lots of colours in most of his work and most of his work is people. He is inspired by Patrick Nagel, a famous artist in the 1980s - See his beautiful works here - Mels work really shows emotion as well.

Another artist that uses vector is called - Roberlan he is a inspirational from the way he creates his posters.
He is good since he not only mix impressive text art design with a retro-kitsch illustrations but he is a vector obsessed fan. his mock posters selling vector products are cheeky, are charming and always inspirational. His work is very different to Mel Marcelo as he promotes and sells vector products as well as using it. Also, Roberlan uses the vector products well as he has to sell them he also uses bold type to grab attention to the public and other artists that use vector.

The other picture below this one is created by Roberlan this is a very interesting image just like the one above however he has added more colour to the image to create a better affect.

This is what they want if you want to do vector designs and sell vector products.
  • Image focused designs give you more than just the information about the event. They often feature elaborate illustrations, which help set the tone of the product. You get an impression of the style of product from the initial glace at the poster. However the drawback is that without any bold typography, a potential customer may “judge a book by its cover.”

  • This is another user of vector which is the same as Roberlan the name is Strong Stuff.

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