Friday, 7 October 2011

Jonathan Glazer

jonathan_glazer.jpg Jonathan Glazer
is a English director for films, commercials and music videos. He has made many commercials for example:
Guinness - Surfer and Swim black. These two commercials are quite similar since they both show being successful with Guinness and both shows someone winning however the commercial Surfer is in black and white and has a tint of brown and Swim black is in colour and that is the difference between the two.  

This is the video for the commercial Surfer.

This is the video for the commercial Swim Black.

Another commercial that Glazer has directed would be the Stella Artois adverts.
One that i have looked at would be 'Whip round' This shows a group of men in black and white on the ice and losing there stella beers this is quite a funny advert and has a lot of humour. This is a still image from 'Whip round'.
This shows him persuading him to jump in the ice cold water to get the beers for the rest of the men.

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